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How To Install Facebook Pixel Code in KIRIM.EMAIL

Installing the Facebook Pixel Code in KIRIM.EMAIL

To install the Facebook Pixel code in KIRIM.EMAIL, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Facebook Ads Manager or Facebook Business Manager dashboard.
  2. Click the Data Sources > Pixels menu, then copy your Pixel ID.

  3. Log in to the page.
  4. Click User Menu > Account Settings.
  5. On the Contact Information tab, paste your Pixel ID in the Facebook Pixel ID field.
  6. Click the Save button to save.

  7. Click the OK button on the success notification.
  8. Finished.

Checking the Facebook Pixel Install Status

To check if the Facebook Pixel is installed or not, please follow these steps:

  1. Make sure you have Facebook Pixel Helper installed on your Google Chrome browser. If not, please download and install it first. The download link is here.
  2. Open your active form or landing page in a browser.
  3. If a small green number appears on the Facebook Pixel Helper icon, it means that your Facebook Pixel has been installed correctly.

  4. Finished.