How to Generate Private API Keys

Last modified: February 9, 2022
Estimated reading time: < 1 min

Here are the steps to generate private API Keys:

  1. Make sure your domain verify in the KIRIM.EMAIL Transactional system.
  2. Log in to
  3. Go to the transactional email dashboard .
  4. Click Configuration menu.
  5. Select API Keys tab.
  6. Click Generate Keys button.

  7.  Click YES in the Generate Key pop-up.

  8. Wait the process, then click OK on the notification.

  9. After that, there are three button appears: :
    • View : to view the private API Keys you have generate before.
    • Copy : to copy the private API Keys in one click.
    • Regenerate Key : to regenerate private API Keys.

  10. On the LANGUAGE section, you can copy the syntax template and the placement of the API Keys according to your programming language. Learn more here.
  11. Done.

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