Suspicious Link on Email Broadcast and Autoresponder

Last modified: August 11, 2020
Estimated reading time: 2 min

Suspicious link is a warning that arises due to the link in the email which is considered dangerous by the system. Usually this suspicious link only appears in gmail. It does not appear in other emails, even though they have the same content.

If the e-mail that you sent has a link and when you click the warning a suspicious link appears, you do not need to worry. As long as the email content and purpose of the link are safe, you can guarantee and convince subscribers to click on the link.

Based on our experience, if your subscribers keep clicking this link, the warning will disappear by itself.

Here are some tips to get rid of suspicious links in this email:

  • Every time you send an email and a suspicous link appears for the first time, the first thing you need to do is stay calm and not have to worry about your click rate decreasing dramatically. This is a common case, and potentially occur in anyone who broadcasts email.
  • Next, you need to calm your subscribers. The trick is to convince them that the link that you and you are safe. Provide a security guarantees if it is necessary. What we do to convince subscribers is to add the words below the link in the email. An example you can see in the picture below:

Include a screenshot as in our email below:

  • The warning ONLY appears in Gmail. Whether it is on mobile apps, or desktop. This means if Gmail is opened via another email application like Thunderbird, there will NOT be a warning. Apart from Gmail emails like Yahoo, the warning will not appear.
  • After 1-2x broadcast contains proceed instructions above, the warning is likely to disappear. So, Gmail only needs a small sample that says it is safe by clicking proceed.
  • The next broadcast email does not need to use the instruction again.
  • Usually this happens to people who rarely receive email from you.
  • Make sure the link you use in the email content, DOES NOT redirects and make sure the website uses https. This https shows that your website is safe or secure.
  • Do not send no-reply emails. Try to use the email address that you can use to receive e-mail replies from your subscribers.

And the last thing is to make sure you follow KIRIM.EMAIL TOS.


These are our tips for dealing with suspicious links on your broadcast e-mail and autoresponder. If you have questions regarding this matter please send it by email at [email protected].

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