How to Fix An Email Sender Stuck on Welcome Page

Last modified: December 20, 2021
Estimated reading time: 1 min

When you are on the Welcome Page page of the Email Sender section, there are some situations when you input your name and email address and click the Send Activation Code button, but then the page does not change, the button disappears and you do not get an email containing an activation link.

If you experience such things, do the following:

  1. Do not panic. Stay calm and control the situation.
  2. Click User Menu in the upper right corner, then select the Membership & Billing option.

  3. Then, you will go to the membership page. Click the App Dashboard button.

  4. You are now on the application page. Click User Menu in the upper right corner, then select the Account Settings option.

  5. On the Business Profile page, click the Email Sender tab.
  6. On the Manage User Sender page, click the Add Sender button.

  7. On the Add User Sender page, fill in the available fields, such as:
    • Full name
    • Email address
    • dan Reply to (leave it blank if you want to use the same email address to receive replies)
  8. Click the Save button.

  9. Click the OK button on the “added new email sender successfully” notification.
  10. Next, check your email and click the activation link that we sent.

  11. Back to the page and reload the page. Now your email sender status is active and you can continue to other activities.

  12. Finished.
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