Creating a Form
To create a form on KIRIM.EMAIL, please follow the steps below :
- Log in to
- Click on the Form menu.
- On Manage Form page, make sure you are on the Manage Form tab.
- Click on the New Form button.
- After that, fill in the Name field with the name of the form you want on the Create New Form page. It is used to differentiate one form from another.
- Put a check mark on the name of the list you will use to store data from this form. You may choose more than 1 list for 1 form. You can also create a new list by clicking on the Create New List button.
- Fill in the Tags field to tag your form (optional). This tag can function as your form category, for example Freebies, Event Registration, Guest Book Blog, and so on.ya.
- Next, click on the Create Form button.
- Finished.
Setting up a Form
After you have successfully created the form, the next step is to make settings. In this setting, there are at least 8 sections you need to adjust, including:
Form Name
- Enter the name of the form in the title section. This serves to distinguish one form from another.
Form Type
- Select 1 of the 3 types of forms available in the Form Type section, which include:
- Select 1 of the 3 form themes available in the Appearance section, including :
- Default,
- Light,
- or Dark.
- Then adjust the background and text color for the content and buttons as you wish.
Iif you select a Light or Dark theme, you cannot change the background color of the content. But you can still change the background and text color for the button..
- Select 1 of the 3 types of opt-ins available in the Content section:
- Then adjust the content, such as headings, descriptions, buttons.
If you want to get data submitted via email, please enable the Forward to Email option. To learn how to use it, click here.

Fields are the main part of a form where you can define what fields will appear in the form. For how to set it up, please follow the steps below:
- Click on the Add New Field to add a new field that has never existed on your form.
- Or, click on the Select a Field button to select an available field or a field that you have created before.
- Click on the field name to replace the text in the placeholder.
- Select a field type from several available, such as:
- Text
- Textarea
- Dropdown
- Dropdown Multi Select
- Checkbox
- Radio
- Phone Number
- Date
- Date Time
- Rating
- Years Range
- Country
- State
- City
- Consent Check/GDPR
- Remove the check mark to hide the field. (Optional).
- Specify whether or not the field is required to be filled in. Select Required or Optional.
- Click on the trash icon to delete the field.
List & Tag

In the List section, you can add or reduce an Email List that will be used to store contact data, which is entered via a form.
The TAGS section serves to mark and group forms based on certain text. The easiest practice is to enter a category for the form you create, such as Freebies, Event Registration, Blog Guest Book, and so on.
- To add an email list, you only need to click on that field, then a list of email lists will appear that you can choose from.
- To reduce an email list, you only need to click the cross (X) on the name of the email list you want to delete.

In this publish section, you will learn how to distribute your form. There are 4 ways you can choose, including:
- Hosted
- Javascript
- iFrame.
In addition, don’t forget to enable the Form Status option so that the form you create will be accessible.
The final section is Save. It’s in the top right corner in the form of a button. Click on the button to save your form settings.