How to Use the Segment Feature

Last modified: December 27, 2021
Estimated reading time: 3 min

Segment is a feature that functions to group contacts based on the characteristics or behavior of the contacts to emails broadcast that you have sent.

With this Segment feature, you can create subscriber segmentation, such as:

  • Segment of subscribers who open broadcast emails.
  • Segment of subscribers who don’t open broadcast emails.
  • Segment of subscribers who click the link on the email broadcast.
  • Segments of subscribers who don’t click on the link in the broadcast email.
  • Even the segment feature enables you to find out combined conditions, such as people who open your email and that person clicks the link in your email.

Thus, you can set a different and better promotional angle.

Create a Segment

There are 2 ways to create a new segment that you can choose one of them, namely:

  1. Through the email broadcast feature.
  2. Through the Lists menu.

Through the email broadcast feature

To create a segment via the email broadcast feature, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the page.
  2. Create a new email broadcast and position your screen in the RECIPIENTS step.
  3. Select the list that you want to segment.
  4. Activate the Segment field and then click the New Segment button.

  5. You are now on the Create a New Segment page. Write the name of your segment in the Name field.
  6. Choose one of several available Actions, such as:
    • Subscriber Action
      • Open
      • Not Opened
      • Click
      • Not Clicked
    • Subscribers Detail
      • Not In List
      • Domain
      • Not In Domain
      • Has Tag
    • List Join Date
      • Subscribed Before
      • Subscribed After
    • Subscribers Geolocation
      • In Country
      • Not In Country
      • In State
      • No In State
      • In City
      • Not In City
      • In District
      • Not In District
      • In Timezone
      • Not In Timezone
    • Subscribers Rating
      • More Than
      • Less Than
  7. Specify the condition of the Action you selected. For example, you choose Action Click. So, the condition is the name of the email broadcast and the link in the email broadcast.

    If you want all clicks on all broadcasts, you can select the Any Broadcast option.
  8. Click the Add another condition button to add another condition and specify an AND or OR condition. (Optional).
  9. Click the Add new segment group button to add another segment group and specify an AND or OR condition. (Optional).
  10. Click the Submit button to save the segmentation of the broadcast email that you specify.
  11. Click the OK button on the success notification.
  12. Finished. Now your segment has been successfully added.

Through The Lists Menu

To create a segment through the Lists menu, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the page.
  2. Click the List menu.
  3. Click the Segments tab.
  4. Click the Add New button.

  5. You are now on the Create a New Segment page. Write the name of your segment in the Segment Name field.
  6. In the Select List section, select the list you want to segment.
  7. Choose one of several available Actions, such as:
    • Subscriber Action
      • Open
      • Not Opened
      • Click
      • Not Clicked
    • Subscribers Detail
      • Not In List
      • Domain
      • Not In Domain
      • Has Tag
    • List Join Date
      • Subscribed Before
      • Subscribed After
    • Subscribers Geolocation
      • In Country
      • Not In Country
      • In State
      • No In State
      • In City
      • Not In City
      • In District
      • Not In District
      • In Timezone
      • Not In Timezone
    • Subscribers Rating
      • More Than
      • Less Than
  8. Specify the condition of the Action you selected. For example, you choose Action Open. So, the condition is the name of the email broadcast you have sent.

  9. Click the Add another condition button to add another condition and specify an AND/OR condition. (Optional).
  10. Click the Add new segment group button to add another segment group and specify an AND/OR condition. (Optional).
  11. Click the Save button to save the segmentation of the broadcast email that you specify.
  12. Click the OK button on the success notification.
  13. Finished. Now your segment has been successfully added.

Edit a Segment

To edit a segment, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the page.
  2. Position your screen on the Manage Segments page.
  3. Select the segment you want to edit, then click the Edit button in the Action column.

  4. Make adjustments (edit) on your segmentation.
  5. If so, click the Save button to save.

  6. Click the OK button on the successful segment edit notification.
  7. Finished.

Delete a Segment

To delete a segment, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the page.
  2. Position your screen on the Manage Segments page.
  3. Select the segment you want to delete and click the Delete button in the Action column.

  1. Click the OK button on the successful segment delete notification.
  2. Finished.

Add a Segment to a List

To add a segment to a list, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the page.
  2. Position your screen on the Manage Segments page.
  3. Select the segment you want to make a list and click the Add New List button in the Action column.

  4. Click the OK button on the success notification.
  5. Finished.
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