How to Use KIRIM.EMAIL’s RSS Feature

Last modified: December 27, 2021
Estimated reading time: 1 min

How to Use KIRIM.EMAIL’s RSS Feature

To use the RSS feature from KIRIM.EMAIL please follow these following instructions:

  1. Log into the page.
  2. Create a new email broadcast.
  3. On the Content section, write the subject of your email and on The Email Content, click the RSS button.

  4. You will see a Insert RSS Feeds popup as in the following image.


    • Feed URL : Fill in the URL RSS feed from your website. e.g:
    • Feed Limit : Fill in how many contents you want them displayed in this email. It takes away from the latest content. Example: 3.
    • If everything is cleared, click the OK button.
  5. You will see the result as in the following image.
    You can replace the texts that appear as you wish by clicking on the section that you want it changed.
    Once you are sure, click the Next button.

  6. On the Preview section, double-check the display of your email broadcast content.
    Don’t forget to set the time you want the broadcast to go out.
    Once you are sure, click the Send Broadcast button.

  7. Click the OK button on the success notification.
  8. Completed.

The Result

Here is the following example of the results of the RSS broadcast above:


  1. You can also use this RSS feature in email Autoresponder.
  2. RSS feeds on tutorials are generated from WordPress platform. If you use another platform there may be different results.
  3. If you use WordPress but the image/featured image does not appear, as in the following image:

    Please install this plugin : with the following settings:

  4. If you have any questions or problems using this feature, please contact us through chat or email [email protected].
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