How to Use Switch Account Features on KIRIM.EMAIL

Last modified: January 17, 2022
Estimated reading time: < 1 min

Follow some steps below to use switch account features on KIRIM.EMAIL:

Add Account 

  1. Log in to
  2. Click User Menu > Switch Account > Add Another.

  3. Next, you must log in with another account. Write the username and password of that account.

  4. Now you are log in to your other account. For example, the first account is Muhammad Sholeh, and now it has changed to PT. King Arthur.

How to Use Switch Account Features

After you’ve succeeded to add account, here are some steps to use the features:

  1. Click the User Menu > Switch Account. Then, you can select the account in these features sections.

  2. You’ll be directly log in to the account.
  3. Done.
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