Telegram Integration

Last modified: August 25, 2021
Estimated reading time: 3 min

KIRIM.EMAIL Telegram Integration is an add-on or additional application from KIRIM.EMAIL that serves to expand the scope of broadcasts that you send. In a conventional email marketing service, you can only send messages to your subscribers who have email addresses.

With KIRIM.EMAIL Telegram Integration you can send the same message not only to email but also on your Telegram channel. Once you send a message, it will go to your subscribers’ email as well as to your Telegram channel account. If you are curious about this telegram feature, here is a tutorial demo on how to use the KIRIM.EMAIL Telegram Integration add on.

Using KIRIM.EMAIL Telegram Integration.


Using KIRIM.EMAIL Telegram Integration Without Bot

Update: In the video we mention kirimemailbot. For the time being, we are changing the bot’s name to kirimemaildefaultbot. So, from now on please use the bot to integrate with KIRIM.EMAIL. The rest of the process is still the same as in the video tutorial.

This time we will discuss one of the features of KIRIM.EMAIL, integration with Telegram. With this feature, you can send the broadcasts also to your Telegram channel subscribers.

When you click Telegram, the Telegram integration display will appear. It looks the same when you broadcast email as usual, but here there is two step:

  • Manage Channel
  • Manage Broadcast

A. Create Channel Telegram

1. Create your channel on Telegram by clicking “New Channel”, then give the channel a name and description > Create
2. Next, you can choose a public channel or a private channel, if you choose a public channel you can create a link > save

B. Make the bot as an admin on the telegram channel

1. On your channel, select Admin > add admin > find the bot username @kirimemaildefaultbot
2. After that, your bot is active and can be used.

After your channel and bot are active, you can return to the KIRIM.EMAIL dashboard.

C. Manage Channel

1. First, you can click manage channel > New Chanel
2. Enter the channel name and channel ID that you created earlier
3. Then select the bot named “Default Bot” and submit.
When your telegram channel and bot are ready, then you can go directly to manage Broadcast.

D. Manage Broadcast

1. Select Manage Broadcast > New Broadcast.
2. Give the title Broadcast >Choose Your Telegram Channel.
3. In the field send at, you can set the sending time according to your wish. But, the broadcast will be sent immediately if you leave the field blank.
4. After that, you can choose a message type. There are two types; plain text and image.
5. You can choose how many bubbles message you want to use, besides the message type.
5. Then, enter the text message you want to broadcast to your subscriber channel.
6. In the preview menu, you can check your broadcast message first.
8. After all is done, you can directly click Broadcast and the message will go directly to your telegram channel.

Using KIRIM.EMAIL Telegram Integration With Bot



This time we will discuss one of the features of KIRIM.EMAIL, integration with Telegram. With this feature, you can send the broadcasts also to your Telegram channel subscribers. When you click Telegram, the Telegram integration display will appear. It looks the same as when you broadcast email as usual, but here there is 3 step:

  1. Manage Bot
  2. Manage Channel
  3. Manage Broadcast

A. Create Channel Telegram

1. Create your channel on Telegram by clicking “New Channel”, then give the channel a name and description > Create.

2. Next, you can choose a public channel or a private channel, if you choose a public channel you can create a link > save.

After the channel is created, you can create a bot for your telegram. The bot will send a broadcast from KIRIM.EMAIL to your telegram channel.

B. Create Telegram Bot

1. Search for “Botfather” in your telegram search.

2. After that, there will be some instructions, you can click /newbot, to start making bots.

3. Then, you are asked to create a username that must end with –bot- (e.g planning_bot)

4. Next, you’ll get the API token. This token will be integrated with the KIRIM.EMAIL dashboard.

5. Don’t forget to click /set privacy > select disable.

After creating the bot, you can return to your telegram channel to add your bot as an admin.

C. Make the bot as an admin on the telegram channel

1. On your channel, select Admin > add admin > find the bot username that you created.

2. After that, your bot is active and can be used.

After your channel and bot are active, you can return to the KIRIM.EMAIL dashboard.

D. Manage bot on Dashboard

1. Click manage bot > New bot.

2. Enter the bot username that you created.

3. Then enter the API token that you got earlier.

4. When everything is done click submit > Ok.

E. Manage Channel

1. First, you can click manage channel > New Chanel.

2. Enter the channel name and channel ID that you created earlier.

3. Then select the appropriate bot and submit.

When your telegram channel and bot are ready, then you can go directly to manage Broadcast.

F. Manage Broadcast

1. Select Manage Broadcast > New Broadcast.

2. Give the title Broadcast > Choose Your Telegram Channel.

3. In the field send at, you can set the sending time according to your wish. But, the broadcast will be sent immediately if you leave the field blank.

4. After that, you can choose a message type. There are two types; plain text and image.

5. You can choose how many bubbles message you want to use, besides the message type.

5. Then, enter the text message you want to broadcast to your subscriber channel.

6. In the preview menu, you can check your broadcast message first.

8. After all is done, you can directly click Broadcast and the message will go directly to your telegram channel.

Good Luck!

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