Two-Factor Authentication And Security Questions

Last modified: January 5, 2022
Estimated reading time: < 1 min

Untuk melakukan pengaturan 2FA dan Pertanyaan Keamanan silakan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini :

Two-Factor Authentication Settings

  1. Go to the page.
  2. Click the Profile menu and then click the Security tab.
  3. In the Two-Factor Authentication section, click the Get Started button.
  4. Choose one of the 2 methods that you like. If you select Authentication App then a verification code will be sent to the app you are using such as Google Autheticator or Duo Mobile. If you select Email then the code will be sent via email.
  5. After that click the Next button and follow the next steps until it’s finished.

Security Question Settings

  1. Go to the page.
  2. Click the Profile menu and then click the Security tab.
  3. In the Account Verification section, click the Setup button.
  4. Then add 2 questions and answers for security.
  5. Click the Save button to save.
  6. Finished.
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