Integration with Google Sheets is one of the fastest ways to import your contacts into KIRIM.EMAIL. However, some users get problems in the integration process. The contacts don’t add up, or else.
But you don’t need to worry if you feel the thing. Because through this article, we will help you to identify the characteristics of the failed integration, possible reason, and solutions that you can do yourself without technical support.
The Characteristics of Failed Integration
After you integrate with Google Sheets, if you find the following characteristics, it means the integration you did is fail.
These are two general characteristics of failed integration with Google Sheets:
1. If you check the Google Sheets Sync Logs section and no data appears. There is only “No data available” in the table, as shown in the following picture:

However, if you successfully integrate, the data will appear as shown in the picture below:

2. The number of contacts in the integrated list doesn’t increase. Even after 12 hours or 24 hours of waiting, it still doesn’t increase. For example, the initial number of contacts is 0. After integration, it also remains 0.
Reason and Solution
The Time of Integration Process
For the first characteristic, the possible reason is the time of the integration process. In this integration, the system limits 1000 rows per process. Consequently, the larger number of rows in Google Sheets will take a long time to process.
However, if your row is less than 1000 it won’t take a long time to process. It’s according to our experience when testing this process.
For the solution you can do:
- Wait for the process that runs by the system.
- While waiting, reload the Logs section to see the data differences that appear.
- In addition, check the number of contacts in the integrated list regularly.
- If within 1×24 hours it does not increase, continue with the next reason.
Setting Error
The next reason that may occur is a setting error when filling the integration field.
Some of these errors include:
Incorrect Data format in Google Sheets
There might be no name and email address data in your Google Sheets. Because for integration, at least you need it.

The solution is, make sure again your Google Sheets there is data at least the name and email address. If it doesn’t exist, please add it first and re-integrate
The Options in Data Mapping Still Ignore
f you do not make changes to the blocked data field, the default option is “Ignore”. So the existing data won’t enter into the integration process.

For the solution, make sure to KIRIM.EMAIL Field(s) the selected option is not “Ignore”, at least for the Name and Email Address fields.
The Status is Stop
Before you click the Save button, there is a status field that contains Running and Stops options. Many users ignore this.
If the Stop button appears, you forget to change it to Running and immediately click the Save button, then the integration fails. The number of your contacts doesn’t increase.

The solution is before clicking the save button, make sure the Running button is active in the Status section.

Contacts get filtered
The next reason is, the contacts you imported were filtered by KIRIM.EMAIL. Then the solution, check your list in the unconfirmed/unsubscribe/bounce section.
If you get filtered, there is a possibility that your contact has been affected by Zombie Email Removal (ZER). Then you can export the ZER-affected contacts or focus on the successfully logged-in contacts.
If you have done all the solutions above but, the results still failed, the last solution you can do is:
- Create a new Google Sheets file.
- Copy-paste the data from the old file to the new file.
- Re-integrate with the new Google Sheets file.
Good luck!