How to Install the Tracking Code on KIRIM.EMAIL’s Landing Page Builder

Last modified: December 29, 2021
Estimated reading time: 1 min

Now you can plug in tracking code such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Tag Manager, and other tracking code on landing page builder from KIRIM.EMAIL.

Specifically for Facebook Pixel, you can log in to your Pixel ID on the Account Settings> Business Profile> Facebook Pixel ID section. So you no longer need to input the Facebook Pixel tracking code in this way, unless you have special needs.

On this page, we give an example of how to installing code from Google Analytics. For other tracking codes, please adjusted itself.

Please follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click on the Forms menu.
  3. Create a new landing page or edit an existing landing page.
  4. After that, you will go to the landing page builder page as shown below. Add a new line by clicking the + (add row) in the editor.

  5. Click and drag the HTML widget to the row you just added.

  6. Copy and Paste in the Content section.

  7. Click on the Save button to save changes.
  8. Click OK button on success notification.
  9. Finish.


You can check the code that you input on this landing page is active or not by using the following tools:

If you have questions or something less clear from this tutorial, please contact us at [email protected].

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