How to Operate KIRIM.EMAIL Woocommerce Plugin

Last modified: January 12, 2022
Estimated reading time: 2 min

How KIRIM.EMAIL Woocommerce Plugin works

The way the KIRIM.EMAIL Woocommerce Plugin works are simple and helpful for you in gathering email databases. Every email from your online shop visitor who places an order will automatically be included in your email marketing service list.

Not only that, if there is a change in order status, for example, from on hold to processing, from processing to complete, your customer’s email address can also be entered into a different email list. So that in the future you can compile an email for each email address on each order status.

Suppose you send an email in the form of another product to people whose order status is complete.

You can also send an email in the form of a thank you note and how to check the receipt for people whose order status is on processing.

You can also send an email in the form of account number information and delivery schedule for people whose order status is still on hold.

Installing the KIRIM.EMAIL Woocommerce Plugin

To be able to use KIRIM.EMAIL Woocommerce Plugin you have to install it first. You can follow the following tutorial:

  1. Download the KIRIM.EMAIL Woocommerce Plugin
  2. Make sure you are registered as a user of the KIRIM.EMAIL service. If not, please register first here.
    Please login to the KIRIM.EMAIL application page at
  3. After that click, the Integrations menu then selects the Woocommerce logo to download the KIRIM.EMAIL Woocommerce Plugin.

  4. Or if you want to download it directly from you can download it here:

Create Email List

  1. Login and immediately create a list by clicking the following url =>
  2. Fill in the Name section. In this tutorial, we name the Woocommerce Test List Order Created and then click the Submit button. Its function is to store the email addresses of people whose order status is on hold.
  3. A success notification appears! List Created, then click OK.
  4. A list with the name Woocommerce Test List Order Created already exists and the Active Subscriber is still 0. This e-mail list is ready to use. 

To be able to use this plugin properly, you need 4 email lists. You can repeat the steps above to create 2 more emails. We give the other 2 emails the names Woocommerce Test List Order Processing and Woocommerce Test List Order Complete.

Installing KIRIM.EMAIL Woocommerce Plugin

  1. Open your online shop dashboard page.
  2. Point the cursor to the Plugins menu then click the Add New sub menu.

  3. On the Add Plugins page, click the Upload Plugins button. Then find the plugin file that you downloaded earlier. then click the Install Now button.

  4. Once installed, click the Activate Plugin button.

  5. KIRIM.EMAIL Woocommerce Plugin is installed and ready to use

Configure KIRIM.EMAIL Woocommerce Plugin

  1. Point the cursor to the Settings menu then click the KIRIM.EMAIL Woocommerce sub menu.

  2. On the KIRIM.EMAIL Woocommerce Integration page enter your KIRIM.EMAIL username and the token. For each event, adjust the email list that you have created.

  3. Click Save Changes.
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