Resend Confirmation Email

Last modified: August 11, 2020
Estimated reading time: 1 min

On this page, we will learn about how to resend a confirmation email. We can use the Resend Confirmation Email feature.

We use this feature if our prospective subscribers have not clicked the confirmation link we provided after they filled out the form. It happens because of several problems such as; the email goes to prospective subscriber’s spam, the subscriber does not realize an incoming email, or even they intentionally do not click the confirmation link.

To make it clear, we need to resend the confirmation email with the Resend Confirmation Email feature.

Please follow the method below.

How to Use the Resend Confirmation Email Feature

Step 1

The first step is to log in to the KIRIM.EMAIL application page with your username and password.

Step 2

After entering the dashboard page, click the List menu> Manage Lists.

Step 3

Select the name of the List that you want to resend the confirmation email. Then, in the Action column click the SUBSCRIBERS button.

Step 4

You will be in the Manage Subscribers page. In the status section, select Unconfirmed.

If there is no unconfirmed status in your list, the message “No data available in table” will appear. So you don’t need to reconfirm.

However, if unconfirmed data appears, continue to the next step.

Step 5

If the table shows unconfirmed subscribers, see over the bottom of the table. Then, select the Send Confirmation option followed by clicking the Apply button.

Wait for the process and when it’s finished, the Resend Confirmation Success message will appear as follows:

It means the confirmation link has been sent. Wait for your prospective subscribers to open the email and click the link.

That is how to send and use the Resend Email Confirmation feature. If you are having trouble or any difficulties, please send us an email at [email protected]. Thank you and see you in the next article.

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