How to Set Single Opt-in Form

Last modified: December 10, 2021
Estimated reading time: 2 min

Single opt-in is a form to get subscribers without verification or confirmation from potential subscribers.

Follow the steps below to create the form:

  1. Log in to
  2. You can create a new form or edit the existing form.
  3. On the Content section, click Single opt-in.
  4. On the Form tab, fill in the fields such as :
    • Title : Create your title form.
    • Description : Write your form description.
    • Favicon URL : You can add your favicon website’s URL or not.
    • Youtube Code : You can also put the Youtube video URL to appear on the form.
    • Button Submit Label : Create the submit button on your form. For example: Subscribe, Register, Yes I Want, Send, and so on. The default label is Submit.
    • Button Close Label : Create the button to close your form. For example: Hide, I Don’t Want, Close, and so on. The default label is Close.

    • After that, look at the DESIGN section to see the changes.
  5. Click the Approval tab. You can move or copy data into another list. Here are the steps :
    • Approval option : Choose one from the options “Move Subscribers or Copy Subscribers.“.
      • To move subscribers. There are the data leads that come via email. It will transfer it to the specified list in the Send Approval Link section.
      • As for the copy, the result is to duplicate the data. So, it will duplicate the lead data stored through the form to another list.
    • Send approval link : Specify the destination list of the approval options you choose. You can select more than one list in this field. Leave this section blank if you do not want to move or duplicate the data list.

  6.  Click the Post Signup tab. On the Actions field. Choose one of the two options :
    • Show Message. Select this option if you want to display a post submit a message on the default KIRIM.EMAIL page. So you don’t need to create a new page. You only need the headline in the Title field and the message field if you choose it.
    • Redirect. Select this option if you want to display a post submit a message on your page. If you choose this option, you only need to write your URL website page in the Link to External Page.
  7. Click the Email Recipient tab. The tab only appears when you enable the Forward to Email option. In this tab, fill in the fields with:
    • Subject : write the subject of your email.
    • Recipient : enter the email address of the recipient.
    • If you want to add more recipients, click the Add New Recipient button.

  8. In the Custom Domain tab. It would help if you wrote the subdomain to access the form using your domain. You can learn more here.

After setting the Single Opt-in, You can set the other sections in the form such as FIELD, DESIGN, and APPEARANCE.

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