How To Add An Email Sender And Manage It

Last modified: December 13, 2021
Estimated reading time: 2 min

To add an email sender or sender email address, please follow the steps below.

Adding An Email Sender

  1. Log in to the page.
  2. Click User Menu in the upper right corner, then select the Account Settings option.

  3. On the Business Profile page, click the Email Sender tab.
  4. Click the Add Sender button.

  5. On the Add User Sender page, there are three fields, including:

    • Full Name : fill in your full name.
    • Email Adress : fill in the email address that you will make the 2nd or 3rd email sender.
    • Reply to :  fill in the email address that you set up to receive replies from email recipients. Leave this blank if you do not want to differentiate between the sender’s and the reply’s email addresses. This reply email is only valid for the same domain.
  6. Click the Save button to save.
  7. Click the OK button on the success notification.
  8. As a result, the new email sender will appear, but the status is still NOT ACTIVE.

Activating The Email Sender

To change the status of your second and third email sender to Active, please check the email that you set as the sender.

  1. Find the email from KIRIM.EMAIL with the subject : [KIRIM.EMAIL] Email sender confirmation.
  2. Click the activation link in the email.

  3. Reload the Email Sender page to see the status change from not active to active.

Notes :

  • If within 5 minutes you do not receive an activation email, click the Resend Activation button (4 minutes).
  • If after that you do not receive it either, wait for 9 minutes, then click the Resend Activation button (9 minutes).
  • If you still have not received the activation email after that, please contact us via chat or email to [email protected].


Managing Email Senders

In addition to adding email senders, in KIRIM.EMAIL you can also manage them. There are three things you can do in managing this email sender, including:

  1. Edit the email sender.
  2. Delete the email sender.
  3. Resend the activation link.

Editing The Email Sender

At some point, you may want to change the reply email address or sender name regarding this email sender. Instead of creating a new one, you are better off editing it. To edit an existing email sender, please follow these steps:

  1. Select the email sender that you want to edit.
  2. Click the Edit button in the Action column.

  3. Make changes to the Full Name and/or Reply To fields.

  4. Click the Save button to save changes.
  5. Click the OK button on the success notification that appears.
  6. Finished. Now the changes you made have appeared in the table.

Deleting The Email Sender

To delete the email sender, please follow these steps:

  1. Select the email sender that you want to delete.
  2. Click the Delete button in the Action column.

  3. Click the YES button on the notification that appears.

  4. Click the OK button on the success notification that your email sender has been successfully deleted.

  5. Finished

Sending An Activation Link

In addition to deleting and editing the email sender, you can also resend the activation link. This is usually used when you do not get an email containing an activation link, so the status is still Not Active.

To use it, please follow these steps:

  1. Select an email sender whose status is still not active.
  2. Click the Resend Activation button in the Action column.
  3. Check your email and click the activation link.
  4. Finished.
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