Dedicated IP

Last modified: October 5, 2021
Estimated reading time: 2 min

Thank you for using our services. For your information, KIRIM.EMAIL has provided a dedicated IP service. This service will help you to improve the quality of your email campaigns.

Before using dedicated IP, it is better if you know what a dedicated IP is, how to use it, etc.

In this article, we will discuss dedicated IP:

  • What is a Dedicated IP?
  • The Effect of using Dedicated IP
  • What is the difference between dedicated IP and Domain?
  • How to Get Dedicated IP Service?
  • How to Optimize Dedicated IP?

What Is Dedicated IP?

KIRIM.EMAIL and other email marketing services use its IP address to send campaigns on behalf of users. These are “shared IPs” because they send campaigns from many different email senders. It means multiple users using the same IP address for sending a message, including yours.

Different from shared IP, dedicated IP is IP used for one sender or one account. It uses to send messages from a specific sender.

The Effect of using Dedicated IP

Why do you need a dedicated IP? How does it affect your campaign? Using this dedicated IP will help you in sending messages:

  • It has a good sending reputation
  • Improves the faster email delivery
  • An email gets to the inbox.

As a result, it will reduce the number of emails you send to the ‘spam.’

What Is The Different Between Dedicated IP and Domain

Dedicated IP and domain are two different things, even though they are both called IP addresses.

The domain is a textual form of an IP address. It makes it easier to remember. For example, it’s easier to remember than the number (IP address).

Dedicated IP is an IP address associated with sending an email. Not an IP address to access a web page.

So between the dedicated IP and the domain is not related.

How to Get Dedicated IP?

Dedicated IP is only for users above 100k contacts, or at least sent three million emails within one month for KIRIM.EMAIL transactional.

If you want to use this dedicated IP, you have to upgrade to 100k contacts per month. Then can use this dedicated IP.

How to Optimize Dedicated IP?

To improve the quality of email delivery, you can follow some steps here to optimize the dedicated IP:

  1. Make sure your dedicated IP settings are correct. Would you mind watching our tutorial if it still doesn’t work?
  2. Improve sending reputation with some following steps:
    • Reduce email recipient complaints. When sending an email, there is a mark as spam option on the receiver’s side. If many receivers mark your email as spam, email service providers such as Google, Yahoo, or Outlook will consider you as bad sending reputation. The tolerance limit set by the email service provider is 0.1% of the total receivers of the email. So, it would help reduce it by getting subscribers in the right way, having variation content emails (not all sales emails), and paying attention to the intensity you send emails.
    • You are avoiding hard bounces. A hard bounce email is an email sent to an email address that doesn’t exist. Email service providers judge the quality of your contact list by the volume of hard bounces. If your email generates a significant volume of hard bounces, this often indicates that you are using an outdated database or a database containing automatically generated emails.
    • Be careful with spam traps. Spam traps are fake email addresses used by email service providers to detect spammers. They created this address. When the provider detects an email sent to a spam traps address, your IP may be blocked.
  3. Clean the contact list regularly. Use ZER that will automatically delete Zombie Emails stored in your email database.
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