How To Send An Email Broadcast And Read The Report

Last modified: December 10, 2021
Estimated reading time: 3 min

How to Send an Email Broadcast

To send an email broadcast, please follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the KIRIM.EMAIL application page.
  2. Click the Create a New button, then select the Broadcast option.

    Or it could be this way:
    • Click the Broadcasts menu.
    • On the Manage Broadcasts page, click the Create new broadcast button.

  3. You are now on the New Broadcast page. At stage 1. Recipients, please fill in the available fields such as :
    • What is your broadcast name? Fill in the name of your campaign or broadcast email. The goal is to distinguish one broadcast email from another..
    • Who will be this broadcast from? Select the email address you have as the email sender. If you want to add another sender, click the New Sender button.
    • Select your subscribers : Select the list that you want to send an email broadcast to by giving a tick. You can select more than one list. To make searching the list easier, please use the search box by writing your list name.
    • Segment : Select which segment that you will send the email broadcast to (optional). The discussion of segments is on another page.
    • click the Next button to proceed to the next step.

  4. Continue to stage 2. Content.
    On this page, please write the email subject in the Email Subject section and the email content in the Email Content section. Then click the Next button..

    In writing emails, there are many features that can help you in writing emails, such as:
    • Click the Email Builder button to send an attractive HTML email..
    • Click the A/B Testing button for a split test..
    • Klik tombol Custom Field untuk membuat email personalisasi.
    • Klik tombol Image untuk menambahkan gambar.
    • Klik tombol Markdown untuk menggunakan format Markdown
    • dan lain sebagainya.

  5. Finally, continue to stage 3. Preview. Here you can see the appearance of the email that you are about to send.

    On this page, there are also several things that you can do, including:
    • Keep the sending state Immediately to send a broadcast email as soon as you click the Send Broadcast button.
    • Click the Calendar icon and select a date and time to schedule the sending of the email broadcast..
    • Turn Open and Click Tracking On or Off. If it is turned off (OFF), then the report will say Open Rate or the Click Rate is 0.
    • Click the Send Test Email button to see how subscribers will receive it. The test email will be sent to your email address.
    • Click the Save as Draft button if you are unsure of sending the email or need further editing.
    • Click the Back button to return to stage 2
    • Click the Send Broadcast button to send your email broadcast. After you click this button the email sent will no longer be editable.
  6. Click the OK button on the success notification.

  7. Now your email broadcast has been sent. You can see the temporary data in the table provided.

  8. Finished.

How to Read an Email Broadcast Report

After you have successfully sent an email broadcast, the next step is to read the report. The explanations are as follows.

  1. Position your account on the Manage Broadcast page.
  2. Select one of the broadcast emails that you have sent, then in the Action column, click the Action button > Details.

  3. You are now on the Campaign Report page.

    On this page, there are 9 tabs which include: 
    1. Overview. This tab contains information or brief reports about broadcasts that you have sent, including:
      • Who the sender of the email broadcast is.
      • The Track Open status is active or not.
      • The Track Click status is active or not.
      • How many recipients of the email broadcast.
      • How many emails were successfully sent.
      • What percentage of subscribers opened the email broadcast.
      • What percentage of subscribers clicked..
      • What percentage of subscribers unsubscribed.
      • What percentage of bounced emails.
      • What percentage of emails are deemed spam.
      • What percentage of abuse.
      • The list of names that receive email broadcasts. 
      • The Email segments that were used.
        You can export the above reports in PDF format. To do this, click the Export Report button and the report will be sent to your email address and can be downloaded there.
    2. Message. In this tab, you can get information about the content of the broadcast email that you have sent. There are 2 main parts, namely HTML Version and Text Version. In the HTML version, there are 3 more tabs which include:
      • HTML
      • Resource
      • dan Webcopy. Webcopy will be discussed in detail and specifically here.
    3. Opens. This tab contains information about the number of people and who opened your broadcast email. In this tab, you can also export contacts that have opened your email. The trick is simply to click the Export Contact button.
    4. Clicks. In this tab, you can get reports on the number and percentage of clicks on your emails broadcast. In addition, you can also see what links your subscribers have clicked along with the number.
    5. Bounces.  In this tab, you can get reports about the bounce rate and who gets the bounces. You can read an explanation of bounce emails here
    6. Unsubscribe. This tab contains the number of those who unsubscribed from your list based on the email broadcast that you sent.
    7. Abuse. In this tab, you will get information about the number of abuse reports that you have made to your subscribers. This report will be a consideration for us to block your account if it is proven that there has been abuse.
    8. Spam. This tab contains information about anyone who reports the email you sent as spam.
    9. Geolocation. In this tab, you will get reports on where people have opened the emails that you sent from.  

If you have any questions about how to send this email broadcast, please send it via email at [email protected].

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