Coupon for The Existing Users (Extension)

Last modified: August 12, 2020
Estimated reading time: 1 min

If you are an existing user or have previously subscribed to KIRIM.EMAIL, you can also use a coupon to get renewal discounts. Follow the steps below to claim your coupon.

  • open your browser and go to with your username and password.
  • after entering the membership page, click the SERVICES menu

  • On the Services page, go to the Main Product tab, go to Action column, and click the RENEW button.
  • A pop up appears as follows. Enter a valid coupon and then click the Check button and click the Submit button.
  • After that, the Billing Details page will appear. On this page, the discount coupon is valid. Then click the Pay Now button to process your payment.
  • Next, select the bank you are using on the Select Bank Account tab. Then click the Pay button to continue.
  • An Invoice Payment will come up, transfers according to the nominal numbers that appear on the invoice.
  • Finally, don’t forget to confirm the payment so that we can activate the service immediately.
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